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a  breathtaking new film about passion and courage in the midst of a dangerous plan to save Denmark's Jews from the Nazi's


Henny's Boat

Wingspan Productions and executive producers Joel and Susan Gilbert, are excited to announce the development of our new feature film - HENNY'S BOAT - a thrilling tale based on a true story about a courageous young woman named Henny who helped rescue over 300 Danish Jews during World War II - right under the very eyes of the Gestapo.  And it wasn't just Henny and her crew who risked their lives to help their neighbors - these brave resistance fighters helped inspire the entire nation of Denmark to do the same.


This film is based on the nonfiction book, Henny's Boat, by Howard Veisz, who spent a decade researching and writing this breathtaking account of courage in the face of Nazi occupation.  It was the beginning of October, 1943, and Henny Sinding Sundø was 22 years old and working at the Danish Lighthouse and Buoy Service. Four crew members of Gerda III, a wooden, lighthouse supply boat approached her. They needed help – and fast. The Nazi’s mass murder of Jews in Europe was well underway. Suddenly, after three years of occupation, the Nazis devised a plan to capture all of Denmark’s Jews during a single night and deport them to concentration camps. With only 72 hours to set the plan in motion, a nationwide effort was put into place to warn the Jews, provide temporary hiding places in Denmark, and then evacuate them by a rough and dangerous sea to Sweden – the only unoccupied country within reach. 


Young Henny faced heart-stopping danger and many friends were lost in the effort to help stop the unspeakable darkness spreading over Denmark and the rest of Europe.  And yet, in joining the resistance, Henny found deep meaning and purpose, as well as the passionate love of a lifetime with a daring young resistance fighter and Danish naval officer named Mix.  


A story about what it means to be human in dark times, Henny's Boat is a breathtaking new film about love and loss and finding the courage within yourself to face unspeakable danger to protect what you believe in,


Joel and Susan Gilbert, executive producers of Henny's Boat, are in the midst of raising support to produce this important new film about an entire nation rising up to defeat fascism and save their Jewish friends and neighbors.  All donations in support of this film are made to Support Henny's Boat  through the educational film company, Wingspan Productions, a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.

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